Hacktoberfest 2019

By Vipul Chodankar

1 min read · 2019-10-06

FCGEC and Dev Cluster organised a workshop on Hacktoberfest at 91Springboard

  • The event began with speakers from Dev Cluster - Nikhil, Tanmay and Vardhana talking about Wikimedia and Creative Commons. Nikhil came up with a fun group activity to facilitate team communication. They later explained how one can contribute to wikipedia.

Vardhana demonstrating how to contribute to Wikipedia Nikhil overseeing the group activity

  • Next, Saheel Wagh from FCGEC explained briefly about git and it's importance. He and I (Vipul), then helped the audience set up and configure git on their laptops. He continued leading the audience to create a Pull Request to a repository.

Saheel explaining the agenda for his session Saheel explaining git to the audience

  • Lastly, I explained the benefits of contributing to open source and the importance of open source software.

Audience listening to the talk